Date,chocolate and honey slices
Date,chocolate and honey slices

Hey everyone, hope you’re having an incredible day today. Today, I’m gonna show you how to make a special dish, date,chocolate and honey slices. It is one of my favorites. For mine, I am going to make it a little bit unique. This will be really delicious.

View top rated Honey date slice recipes with ratings and reviews. Honeyed Date Nut Muffins With Orange Honey Butter, Honeyed Date Prune Bread, Chocolate Date Slice, etc. Chocolate made with honey is not only possible, it's downright easy!

Date,chocolate and honey slices is one of the most popular of current trending foods in the world. It’s easy, it is fast, it tastes delicious. It is enjoyed by millions daily. Date,chocolate and honey slices is something that I’ve loved my entire life. They’re nice and they look fantastic.

To get started with this particular recipe, we have to first prepare a few ingredients. You can cook date,chocolate and honey slices using 21 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you cook that.

The ingredients needed to make Date,chocolate and honey slices:
  1. Take For preparing Dates:date deseed/date rounds(no suger added)
  2. Make ready 12-15 medium pitted dates
  3. Make ready 3 tablespoon Cooking oil
  4. Make ready 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder
  5. Take 1 teaspoon Lemon/orange zest
  6. Get Pinch salt
  7. Get For the dough:
  8. Make ready Include the preped dates(see method)
  9. Make ready 4 tablespoons pure Orange juice
  10. Prepare 3-4 table spoons unmelted Butter (stork)
  11. Take 1 heaped cup(approx 170 to 200 grams Self rising flour)
  12. Make ready 2 table spoonsSemolina flour
  13. Make ready 1 teaspoon baking powder
  14. Prepare 2 tablespoons dark brown Cocoa powder
  15. Make ready For the fudge topping sauce:
  16. Make ready 4 tablespoons Honey
  17. Make ready 2 tablespoons Stork Butter
  18. Get 2 tablespoon Dark brown cocoa
  19. Get Pinch salt
  20. Get For topping and decor: 2 medium handful of sliced almonds
  21. Prepare 1 tspn non alcohl vanila put in sliced almnd to marinate brifly

You can replace the golden syrup with corn syrup, honey or maple syrup. Do I need to use full fat sweetened condensed milk? So for me, yes I do consider this a healthy slice Weetbix is also fortified with iron, the cocoa, dates, and Weetbix in this recipe means it is also a relatively high source of plant-based iron for kids. Nadia Lim's recipe for a Healthy Date Cashew Caramel Chocolate Slice that mimics the flavour and deliciousness of the original.

Steps to make Date,chocolate and honey slices:
  1. Ingredients used:(see list).
  2. Prep the dates.if using prepared(depitted) dates or date bils,cube them using a cuber or careful using sharp tools!.and add some oil 3 table spoon and heat in pan or microwave about 45 seconds (not too much heating though),stir it until the dates soften and form spreadable paste.add cinamon,lemon zest.
  3. The dates are forming to a ball shape when stirring
  4. Prep the fudge sauce:add the butter,the honey,the pinch of salt the,the cocoa powder and heat in pan very briefly until butter just melts (or microwave for 30 second). overheating will cause overruny sauce.this sauce does become better on cooled.and still spreadable.can reuse fir other topings/healthy deserts or covered and kept in fridge for couple of days
  5. Prep the dough:the ingredients fir dough include the prepared dates (and ones seen in pic).stir everything to combine well.can use hands to form a soft dough.include the baking powder as well.then just pat down the dough all over the tray with help of spoon/fork.
  6. Make some fork marks and add in pre heated oven.189 degrees for about 15 mins.check half way through and put back bit more another (about 15 mins)
  7. Cut a square at the corner.Checking the other side is almost cooked.then put back so that its better cooked thru but not overcooked or dry.
  8. Cut the slices into equal parts,while still warm and then let cool before adding the fudge sauce and decoration.bismillah enjoy with favourate hot drink or glass of milk

Creating a healthier version seemed like mission impossible at first, but after four attempts I have made a 'healthy date cashew chocolate caramel slice' that mimics the. You can drink it with cold water or soda in summer, or with hot water in winter! It prevents colds and helps recover from fatigue. Sprinkle on chopped dark chocolate (or chocolate chips) then sprinkle the reserved oat topping over the top. I replaced the brown sugar with the equivalent of honey (looked it up online) and only They should slice and stay together well!

So that is going to wrap it up with this exceptional food date,chocolate and honey slices recipe. Thank you very much for reading. I am sure that you will make this at home. There’s gonna be more interesting food in home recipes coming up. Remember to bookmark this page in your browser, and share it to your loved ones, friends and colleague. Thank you for reading. Go on get cooking!